Welcome to Education beyond borders, Sofia, Bulgaria!


March 12 - 13, 2021

NPC Sofia, Bulgaria

Bery Group Bulgaria organizes the International fair "Education beyond borders" in Sofia (EBBS) the capital of Bulgaria, in the National Palace of Culture. NPC is the largest multifunctional and congress complex in South Eastern Europe.
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EBBS Workshop EBBS Education Agents Workshop BOOK NOW Registration is open!

Feedback from University of Kaiserslautern

University of Kaiserslautern




You should have pointed our more clearly, how comprehensive your service is (e.g. you support us with hotels and at the airport, you are creating a professional booth, you are supplying water during the fairs etc.).

We felt well-cared and always knew whom to address with questions.

We would have appreciated having more graduate students (as we are a graduate organisation).

We did not expect so many parents to come, so it would have been useful to have some information in Bulgarian.


Dipl.-Päd. Karin Huff
Public Relations

University of Kaiserslautern
Distance & International Studies Center (DISC)
International School for Graduate Studies (ISGS)
Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 57, room 368
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

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